"FLAT" is a community
that supports health
and medical care for
Japanese people in the U.S
We are a non-profit organization based in New York City,
and active throughout the United States,
with volunteer activities to support the Japanese community.
We create a network to connect
Japanese-speaking medical professionals and patients.
October 2024 :
October 2024 :
July 2024:
WA州Bellevue市においてNew York Life Seattleの後援で「FLAT・ふらっとシアトル キックオフ」イベントが開催されました。More
July 2024:
International Gynecologic Cancer Advocacy Network(IGCAN)のPartner Organizationとなりました。More
April 2024:
DISRUPTと協力してがんに対するClinical Trialsの人種格差をなくしていく活動を始めました。More
What's NEW
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Please consider making an easy and secure online donation to support the work of FLAT, operating solely on corporate and individual contributions. We appreciate any help you can provide.