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Mika Kuramoto

A portrait photo of Mika Kuramoto



Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Living in the US since: 2001

Place of Residence: New York, NY

Current Occupation: Business Consultant / Producer / Author


Current Title: OFFICE BEAD INC. CEO & Founder / TruBlue Association, Director



Born in Tokyo. Educated at Gakushuin University in Japan.
After working for an airline company, Mika moved to New York. While leading the business consulting firm OFFICE BEAD INC., which supports the overseas development of Japanese companies, she has found herself involved in many projects that employ the skills she learned abroad, which bring her back to Japan, including the planning and operation of a language academy. She has published two books in Japan, “Mikan no Okurimono” (Sankei Shimbun Publications) and “Umarete Kurete Arigatoo” (Shogakukan), which have been translated into English and published internationally under the title “Born(e).”

Also, she acts as a director of the “TruBlue Association,” which listens to the voices that call out for help worldwide and works as a bridge to connect various organizations and individuals to provide solutions.


Role at FLATjp:

"As a patient advocate, I hope to use my experience in the U.S. to point out specific definitions and solutions to medical problems unique to the Japanese that can be seen from the patient's perspective and to provide support activities and education to help them."

Hope for FLATjp:

"Support for the creation of a friendly society. Advice on systems to support special-needs children's medical treatment and education.

(We aim to create a society where people around them can kindly support people facing various difficulties.)"



Cooking, Travel, Art Appreciation, Art Work

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